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Russia warns West of consequences of asset confiscation


Russia warns West of consequences of asset confiscation

Moscow, Jan 28

Russia will respond to any attempts by Western countries to confiscate its Russian property and assets abroad, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

“We have spoken more than once about the illegitimacy of unilateral coercive measures taken by Western countries in relation to Russian property abroad. We have repeatedly noted that the seizure of property of the Russian Federation is unlawful and violates the fundamental principles and norms of international law, including the sovereign equality of states,” Russia’s RIA Novosti reported quoting the ministry as saying.

The ministry said that such actions are “a blatant encroachment on sovereign real estate and banal, outright theft by one group of states of the property of another,” Xinhua news agency reported.

“At the same time, the countries of the ‘collective West’ can be sure that any of their attempts to confiscate Russian real estate, as well as other assets, will inevitably entail an adequate and effective response,” the ministry said.

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